Roof Anchors Provide Fall Protection
About 70 people every year fall to their death from a roof. Most of those deaths, and other injuries, are preventable. Tritech Fall Protection Systems™ provide solutions to all types of fall hazard. The solution may be a simple, single-point roof anchor, or a fully customized solution.
Tritech’s design team will analyze a client’s needs, and design a comprehensive system to meet all potential fall hazards on any type of roof complex. All of our fall protection systems meet, or exceed, OSHA and CSA standards.
Fall protection systems may be incorporated into the initial building construction, or added at a later date. If added, Tritech can ensure zero or minimum roof penetration to the roof skin, depending on how complex the solution needs to be.
Fully comprehensive Tritech Fall Protection Systems™ are based on four primary criteria:
Minimize the danger of falling. This begins at ground level, prior to a worker, a supervisor or an inspector beginning their climb.
Provide fall restraint. The object, here, is to minimize the likelihood of a fall, or to arrest a fall in progress.
Utilize all ongoing research. This has resulted in, for example, roof anchors incorporating Constant Force Post technology. This system absorbs kinetic energy during a fall to minimize both personal injury and roof damage.
Enable efficient and unencumbered work practices across the entire work area. A totally effective system will enable single and multiple users to work efficiently. A properly designed system will protect workers before they access the roof as well as when they are on the roof. Vertical and horizontal lifelines enable people to move vertically, horizontally and diagonally across a roof’s surface. Our systems allow individuals to pass each other. They also allow workers to navigate the building’s curves, corners and any three-way intersections, safely and conveniently. Tritech’s Roof Walks add to worker safety by giving them an anti-skid surface on which to move, and which helps to distribute the workers’ combined weight over the roof, thus minimizing structural stress. Roof Walks also provide a surface that has no seam distortion even though they can be installed to run perpendicular to, horizontal with, and diagonally across the roof.
Tritech’s experienced team will provide a fully comprehensive solution to all fall hazards, whether residential, industrial or associated with a totally unique construction. Every solution will meet, or exceed, OSHA and CSA standards.